AGM 65 D

AGM 65 D
AGM 65 D AGM 65 D
Availability: In Stock
Quantity: 10 pcs
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The AGM-65 Maverick is an air-to-ground tactical missile (AGM) designed for close air support. It is the most widely produced precision-guided missile in the Western world,[4] and is effective against a wide range of tactical targets, including armor, air defenses, ships, ground transportation and fuel storage facilities.

  • Maverick D replaced the electro-optical guidance with an imaging infrared system which doubled the practical firing distance and allowed for its use at night and during bad weather. A reduced smoke rocket engine was also introduced in this model. It achieved its initial operation capability in 1983.
5 of 5 Stars!    Review by   Cooper Clark  (Posted on Friday 19 January, 2024)

I used it on my HOA, finally they will stop sending me fucking letters about the A-10C on my lawn.

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