RB-15F Anti-ship

RB-15F Anti-ship
RB-15F Anti-ship
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Quantity: 3 pcs
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The RBS-15 (Robotsystem 15) is a long-range fire-and-forget surface-to-surface and air-to-surface, anti-ship missile. The later version Mk. III has the ability to attack land targets as well. The missile was developed by the Swedish company Saab Bofors Dynamics.


The Swedish Navy pioneered anti-ship missiles with the Halland-class destroyers using the RB08 missile since the early 1960s. The main effect of Swedens defence resolution of 1958 for the Swedish navy was restructuring into a lighter force consisting of fast attack craft (FAC) vessels and a halt to destroyer procurement. This posed a problem as the existing RB08 missile required launch rails and a missile magazine in the destroyers, taking up space that was not there on smaller ships. Adding to the problems, each missile had to be individually prepared for launch and only two missiles could be on the launch rails at the same time. In comparison, the P-15 Termit (NATO codename Styx) missile used by the Soviet Union (which was the expected adversary) stored the missiles in individual containers on deck which left the missiles immediately available for launch. Tests were carried out on Plejad class FACs with a single bow-mounted RB08 in the late 1960s, but they came to nothing.

Mk. II version for Finland. Local designation MTO 85 (Meritorjuntaohjus 1985)

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